day 13: favorite thsc episode
let's settle this once and for all ✊✌️✋
completing the mission is my fave hehe

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나뭇님 생일 기념으로 그려드렸던거~~~ 각 진영? 기관,,? 별 리더들~~ 워후✨🌟

44 152

Like a tyrannosaurus Stalin is a vicious, ferocious and hardy beast that must be feared and avoided. Sometimes criminals of "The Wall" become his food.

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알티당 표정 그리기!! 다 그려왔습니다!!~!
처음 그려보거나 거의 안 그려본 캐릭터들로 여러 표정 그리느라 재미있었어요!:)
다들 알티해주셔서 감사드려요! ..!

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