Have you ever been sad about an npc being a bad guy? Yeah me too.

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O Magic 8 Ball, should I buy the earring that increases debuff duration by 10%, or the sash that increases buff duration by 10%?

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Introduced my party to the jackass of the Torveth estate and I can safely say they may TPK because they keep pissing him off while having no spells and no rages left. 😶

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Trying to write for an hour straight and I wrote down the same plot hook, word for word, twice, after forgetting it the first time. Anyone else have this happen?

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Greengarde didn't have an all black shirt for sale and our prince was STRUGGLING

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Great thing about being an artist is drawing your own NPCs for your campaign.

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practice sketch of one of my campaign's players. the lovely half-elf bard that never fails to derail my hard DM work with a successful seduction roll :')

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From last session. Tessara does not appreciate the musical stylings about being on a boat from Trixie. Our bard is a themed bard.

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if i don't label anything on my character concept sheets my players can't figure out my plans.....

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When the snacks look very good but your DM screen and the battle map are in the way

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