going live with - [ENG/GER] happy valentine's from your aroace vamp - testing a dndstory dating sim and then maybe starting wizward school - come chat & chill https://t.co/1ikH8lIlGh

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I have an idea.

Post your BEST and WORST moments! I may use it for a video.

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It was a dark and stormy night, outside the tavern the wind howled and the rain lashed down. Suddenly the door crashes open and...

Please continue!

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a beginner's perspective. Pros: Having fun while being simultaneously terrified and feeling like total badass for three to four hours straight.
Cons: not being able to sleep until 0130 because you're so wired 😂

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Thinking of light hearted combat? What are some of your best light hearted combat encounters you have seen?

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Yea... Since last posting about Wrath, she was an angry Tiefling, she and three others in the party died and only 2 managed to get reincarnated. Wrath is now a Half Elf and is still angry... A little less grumpy and a bit more protective.

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