A commission for someone on instagram of their character River!

I am back from my vacation and sadly caught a cold right afterwards :c But I will try to pick up my daily posting schedule again!

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Character designs from an story driven RPG concept I pitched at uni. The theme was “true stories of our ancestors” and I based my concept on my grandmothers pets 🐶

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Two sketch requests done! Wasn‘t meant to shade these buut I just was in the mood for it :D for a friend on instagram and <3

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Pots the dog. A soon to be released Jet Set Radio Tribute Album.

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Almost done with modeling this. Need to fine tune the paws.

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One of the raffle winners.
I would tag the person, but they changed their username, so I can't find them anymore.

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New year? New you, except it’s 4 months late...

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