Shaggy women.

It was a genius idea putting disney style in the woman to old English sheepdog morph prompt.

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She's now the Harlequin!.

After the deaths of both batman and her puddin Harley soon decided the only thing left to do was take a dip at ace chemicals.

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Dog woman hybrid.

Finally made a decent prompt in the Mid journey AI.

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Going for the ball.

Even humans turned into anthros succumb to animal urges sometimes.

0 1

A furry punishment is in order

And I also
order you to sit!... well If you never wanted this
you little hoodlum you should've thought before you stole from my shop.

1 5

CTD playtime in the fields.
All the dogs and characters in this artwork are female
Because this is set in the times before men could contract
Canine transformation disorder.

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