AIに描いてもらった "Draemon Killer Queen" ...どれも捨てがたい

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私の友人は日本の超人気漫画アニメ「ドラえもん」が大好きなんだそうですが、彼女のdraemon の dra の部分が本当に英語ネイティブだなといつも感心します。


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Day 9: Madraemonte
It's pretty obvious why I went with Ibara for this one . Since she was already plant based, I felt she fit the theme better!

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【DRAEMON】How to draw DRAEMON on Whiteboard!!/どうやって?!ドラえもんをホワイトボードに描いてみま... より

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This is the thing from Draemon. This name is [Pass loop]

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Donning her old draemon commando uniform, Zuri prepares to do whatever she can to protect the one she loves!

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yeeeees!! i wanna go together with you & Draemon!😆🚁💨💨

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