Just a warm up for start working on commissions today! Bonyu is my new waifu and you folks can expect more lewd of her coming soon 😍
Now let's get down to business!

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What excites me most about is reliving the battle between these two titans!

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"And this is Vegito Blue!!"
Dragonball Heroes version of the Potara Warrior!

5 27

PS4 ドラゴンボールZ KAKAROT フィギュア同梱版」がゲオ オンラインストアで予約開始されたということで早速予約しました☆ こういう台座がジオラマ?になってるフィギュア好きです(∩ˊ꒳​ˋ∩)

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can’t wait to see more of her 👀

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while your being Fat-phobic Akira Toriyama out here making Quality plus-size Characters

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Vegeta Galick Gun
Hoy quería probar a subir algo un poco distinto a lo habitual y me he animado a dibujar a vegeta de la saga saiyan cuando realiza por primera vez su garlick gun, qué os parece? Os leo

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Plop, je me suis mis a live2Dcubism (un ligiciel d'animation d'assets 2d) c'est super cool. du coup, voila un petit Vegeto pour test évidemment. il gigote un peut trop, mais y'a du potentiel.

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