With the reunion and finale coming up, I just want to emphasize that I have been and will always be What a talented and incredible leader for our community!

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I have to give it up to the realest big girl that’s ever come through the workroom doors, . I admire her confidence and attitude she navigates life with. Thanks for being unapologetically you.

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I drew the ONLY goddess from I look up to her, so much! And I hope she wins!🏳️‍⚧️💖

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Winner, winner (metallic) chicken dinner!! Congrats !!

Loved this take on metallic so I had to do a little fashion illustration!!

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Metallica on the runway, what i would like to wear

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If there’s any queen that could make me run through my house to get my art supplies back out to start sketching the MINUTE she hits the runway, it’s

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