28 - Zorro. Stick 'em with the pointy end!

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Happy Thanksgiving! 24 - Swedish Chef! Bork! Bork! Bork!

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Let's give him a big hand - 'cause he's only got one. I give you, the steel-handed stingray, 23, Captain James Hook!

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22 - hospitality expert, Memeber of the Crossed Keys Society, M. Gustave of the

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21, His name is Inigo Montoya. If you killed his father, prepare to die!

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While we're on the subject of musical royalty... Bonus: Prince. RIP. (thanks for suggesting)

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Hail to the QUEEN!! 19 is Freddy Mercury! Can't stop me now!

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"Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes, well, he eats you."
15: Sam Elliott

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11- Tom Sellek!! I will always think of him as Monica's boyfriend.

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10 - Dr. Fu Manchu! Fun piece of mustache trivia- this guy was the origin of the style!

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Tough day here in the United States, just remember: Stay classy.

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