🍰Midnight🌙Feast🍰-It’s supposed to be a human dressed as a zombie for Halloween. He’s eatin a fondant cake that looks like a person. Missed the mark but eh, I tried!

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my third prompt (a few days late because i’ve been busy😔): midnight feast!

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I know it’s too late but I couldn’t leave this uncoloured, I can’t help myself 😭 so here’s version 2 of

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Prompt 3: Midnight Feast

A little more sketchy as of low energy this week, but unexpectedly happy with the results ✨

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Glad I was able to finish this up today! I really wanted to do something with raccoons for 'midnight feast'


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days 11-15:Midnight Feast. So glad to have finally finished this one. So far it’s my favorite.

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And that's 3/6 of the Drawtober prompts: Midnight Feast.

I wish i could manually change the preview thumbnail.

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A tiny midnight feast for a tiny mouse on the spookiest of nights 🎃

Drawing prompt for !#drawtober2020

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Remember when I said I was dropping out of due to Hurricane Delta? I lied.

Got slowed down a bit, but I’m back in!

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🎃 Drawtober 2020 🎃
Day 11- Day 15: Midnight Feast 🥂💀
Although school has been stressful lately, I find myself relax being able to draw just for fun

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