Artist and art.
Aleala and Victoria; both oc's of mine.

4 13

eulys! oc to accompany asta, they definitely dont mix well but they're both hot so 🤷

0 2

desenho para o concurso da no Instagram
desenho com melhor qualidade :)

5 20

おいで〜 あいしてる 💖

▶️Art by @.ayuviira6

4 7

Yahallo! 一緒に遊ぼう ⭐️

▶️Art by @.vanellabeam

4 10

August 1st is my grandmother's birthday so I drew something really quick and simple cos I'm really exhausted from Eid today _(┐「ε:)_

1 2

Secret Crush
HalfAndroidArts secretly loves you! 😳
Who loves you in secret?

2 6

Digital Painting practice with Infinite Painter on Android 2020.0627

1 16