-relatives like Utahraptor! It was initially also classified as a genus of dromaeosaurid, but this is no longer thought to be the case, as it lacked many traits that are associated with dromaeosaurids, most notably its lack of the infamous sickle toe claw! (2/2)

Art by Olmagon!

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Natovenator living it's best life

funny how all these "diving" dromaeosaurids come from a clade which has bone density not suited for diving and from formations that preserve aeolian dunes in the time frames which they were found in 🤔🤔🤔

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The Past Dictates The Future~

Little tribute to outdated raptors (+ old depictions of dinosaurs in general), because i love them. I myself draw feathered dromaeosaurids left and right, but i find the retro critters still cool, nevermind any inaccuracy. 🦖

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since the dudes in the lrt are presumably dromaeosaurids, here are some lovely velociraptors by ! throw jurassic park/world to the curb and invest your time in THESE lovely guys!

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Austroraptor and other unenlagines of the Southern Hemisphere serve as a contrast to dromaeosaurids of the Northern Hemisphere, in terms of cranial evolution and feeding ecology/behavior. Art by .

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Added some (purely speculative) coloring. The 's red stripe is a nod to the book Raptor Red.

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's. And it's not just Velociraptor: the way he represents dromaeosaurids as diverse and unique is something very few achieve on this level, imho. That's what makes each one special to me. Not being too JP-influenced nor too neat/tidy/falcon-like is also great for me

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Either Deinonychus, Utahraptor, or Achillobator. I just love dromaeosaurids.

1 16

I do fantasy art, paleoart and comics. Right now some of my favorite subjects are moths, dragons, and dromaeosaurids.

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Me: I should stop only drawing dromaeosaurids facing left
Also me: :)

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Dromaeosaurids remain some of my favorite non-avian dinosaurs to reconstruct. So here you have some Dromaeosaurids for today’s Utahraptor, Wulong, Deinonychus and Sinornithosaurus

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Amongst dromaeosaurids, Austroraptor was one of the largest along with Utahraptor. Art by

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Welcome to notohesperus! "New Dromaeosaurid Dinosaur (Theropoda, Dromaeosauridae) from New Mexico and Biodiversity of Dromaeosaurids at the end of the Cretaceous" by Jasinski et al. 2020. https://t.co/sGaPeaIAUZ

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I'm sure I was just saying about a week ago that every day is Here are some which are (normally) my favourite.

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Today is so here are some old reconstructions of Dromaeosaurids, which are some of my favorite I haven’t been able to work on them because I have been concentrated in Triassic and Jurassic species

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I am SO tired of seeing inaccurate, naked, giant velociraptors with broken wrists in my feed due to the premiere of that I need to counteract it with my more accurate feathered reconstructions of Dromaeosaurids!

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NEW reconstruction of Austroraptor cabazai, the giant unenlagiine Dromaeosaurid from Late Cretaceous Argentina. Part of the limited series of 8x10 fine art prints of Dromaeosaurids I will be offering soon. Let me know if you want one. DM or email me.

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