In an AU where the burning of Teldrassil had driven Syn to seek ever greater power in the Void, and where Velandria picked up druidism instead of demonology centuries ago...

Velandria and Syn life swap was a popular choice on the poll x3

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Slavic folk, a rejection of beauty, druidism and art, The injustice of fate, the hatred of destiny and... very complicated feelings 🌻

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🦌Lorien and Mirion🦉

Druidism, a past that does not forget, soulmates, many bad decisions and revenge🌿⚔️

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Awwww, I love how soft and friendly your art style is 🥺

This is Panko! She’s learning Druidism, and is very good natured and EXTREMELY mischievous— so much so that she earned the nickname “Panko the Pranko”!

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Thrandra Stormrage - Night Elf Demon Hunter. Almost the complete opposite of her twin, and taking after her father, Thran is stubborn, loud and extroverted. She struggled to find her calling, trying druidism and magecraft like her Dad, but finally settled on being a demon hunter.

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14. (art by Tenchibaka and nopeita) John Galesman, an old man who was born with the curse of Druidism, a rare syndrome that allows its host to hear and talk to 'lesser beings' such as viruses, he's constantly sick because he was pretty much raised by his parasites since birth

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Half-Kaldorei Aejax (real name Aeteryon). He is a outcast in night elfs community, because his father was human. He grew up in Teldrassil, trying to become a druid, but never had a talent for it. To power up he mixed his wisdom of druidism with the pure power of fel magic.

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Elves are natural degenerates. Hence why they take to druidism so easily and will change forms yo fit the type of thing they feel like at the time

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My character is an ancient huntress that hs turned towards druidism in the later years!
This is the piece I have of her so far!
And check this out

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Hey, this is Marissa! She's a druid of the Cenarion Circle, focused primarily on healing but dabbling in the other schools of druidism.

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Aleklah will be going to Ardenweald! She'll learn a lot about herself and druidism there :p druid forms coming in SL....maybe ;)

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Qo'chatal. A former Horde Soldier looking to hang up his rifle and learn druidism. Mostly I rolled him to help a guild mate with a tauren group. and pictured is his partner in crime Mehni (aka the walking Cataclysm)

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Day 5: as a child Naia loved nature and flourished in druidism. She spent every waking moment healing plants and would sometimes rejuvenate flowers at the local flower shop for a few silver after her lessons. Her hair was also longer!

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Changed a bit of of Davids old WoW look by giving him more of a warlock-ish look with uhhh a hint of mild druidism? ye :> !

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Cold-Like-A-Toad is a human monk, once an orphan, who was picked up and adopted by a wandering monastery of monks with a secondary focus on druidism. His name and mask were given to him by his peers for his stoic demeanor and love for the animal.

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Hey all

I meant to post these later, but I do character design (I promise)
So have some Celtic Druidism character design based -roughly- on the Snow White fairy tale.
I plan to do more with it, I have character and a /slight/ plot fleshed out.

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Ooh, that's a toughie! I can't decide between my two main Thalassians. Velyrrin the medic-turned-priestess has a chip on her shoulder about losing patients. Kemarra the pyromancer has a vendetta against spiders and secretly admires druidism but utterly fails to grasp it.

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Martillo Salvaje Wow Chamanismo y Druidismo .
Martillo Salvaje adorando a los espíritus elementales y a sus ancestros
. Son el clan más vinculado a la naturaleza también, llegando a contar incluso con algún Druida. De hecho, los Martillo Salvaje que habitan en Kalimdor ⬇️

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Day 1: Portrait! Decided to give her a name/story.

A veteran of the Third War, Elunia served as an archer in the Sentinel army. After the Burning of Teldrassil, she sought peace in the teachings of Druidism, hanging up her bow in hopes of healing the land around her.

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