Wilson and my OC just being a couple of bisexual disasters. Plus I wanted to draw Wilson in a cute dress. Just thought it looked lovely on him.

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Not a "realistic" version, but I guess something even closer to my style, especially with eyes. I just really like mizing Don't Starve's style with my own.

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Told y'all I was doing Verdant next!😂🌿 Took me a bit to figure out what Margaret (self insert) would look like. So, I decided...Satyr lol!

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My self insert, Margaret the "Backwoods Witch". Always loves to collect bones and always fines various uses for them, much to Wilson's confusion. Willow and Margaret should NEVER be left alone together!

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Sometimes a family is a gentleman scientist, an asshole, their adopted spider child, and their chest/dog/monster thing. All just trying to survive.

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Inktober 2019 Nr. 12 - Wilson (Don‘t Starve) 🖤

I just love drawing Wilson about to lose his shit.

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