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Swim In Dubuffet Thought #10 minted by @bleeprepeat
#fxhash #generativeart
#TalDiaComoHoy nació Jean Dubuffet, pintor y escultor francés. -
#HistoryofArt #HistoryofPainting #Museum #OnlyArt #art #arte -
"La photographie, c'est mieux qu'un dessin, mais il ne faut pas le dire." Jean-Auguste Ingres
Mattis s'amuse à "dessiner" avec le révélateur dans la chambre noire
Mattis L., "Paysage au fantôme" (réminiscence d'une oeuvre de Jean Dubuffet), tirage 7,5 x 7,5 cm
"Art doesn't go to sleep in the bed made for it. It would sooner run away than say its own name: what it likes is to be incognito. Its best moments are when it forgets what its own name is.” - Jean Dubuffet
#ArtBrut deve la teorizzazione al pittore e collezionista Jean Dubuffet. L'opera è una ricerca emotiva e fisica, è magma materico grottesco, a volte, primitivo, regressivo
"La follia mette le ali all'uomo e favorisce il suo potere di immaginazione"
#JeanDubuffet sn1966 - dx1981 https://t.co/Xi9K7F0jEl
#OTD in 1896 André Masson was born.
Foraying into Cubism early in his career, he soon joined the Surrealists, working alongside Mirò and Dubuffet. Later in his life, his experimentation with media, and his ‘automatic’ drawing style, became strong influences for #JacksonPollock.
On powerful & striking portraits:
Femme et Bebe by Jean Dubuffet @UlsterMuseum
& Black Mother by Ernst Neuschul @leicestermuseum
#OnlineArtExchange @artukdotorg
"L'art doit naitre du matériau et la spiritualité doit emprunter le langage du matériau." Jean Dubuffet.
Nelly V., "Photures", nov. 2021, photographies argentiques. Expérimentations photographiques réalisées par contact de peintures à l'acrylique noires sur rhodoïde.
⭕ El "art brut" de Dubuffet #ViernesDeArte
Le Vociférant | 1973
#arte #art
🥳 C'est le 31 juillet 1901 qu'est né Jean Dubuffet, esprit subversif, réputé iconoclaste, qui fut l'inventeur, le théoricien et grand collectionneur d' #artbrut.
Retrouvez les œuvres de l'artiste & sa correspondance en ligne👉 https://t.co/NcJuclVl1D
BASTIAN exhibits Jean Dubuffet's brightly coloured and wonderfully exuberant work, 'Site avec 5 personnages' #BASTIAN #JeanDubuffet #work #art #newspaper
Read more about this here: https://t.co/ShTgGsZmQ9
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Enter the world of artist, Jean Dubuffet with the @BarbicanCentre's latest exhibition. Explore his work with exclusive Gallery access with live music from DJ and artist, Lia Mice.
Aged 14-25 years old? Book your £5 ticket now: https://t.co/kEEgdlpU3l
Calling all 14-25 year olds 📢
Join our friends @BarbicanCentre on 15 July for Young Barbican Night: Jean Dubuffet - a night of exclusive gallery access, live music and a zine-making workshop using Dubuffet’s artistic techniques.
Book your £5 ticket now: https://t.co/xnGYu0BWWD
Sommergäste: Jean Dubuffet. Bastian Gallery. London ##art #exhibitions #london https://t.co/tPijW7cg5m
Yesterday was Day 1 of London’s museums and galleries re-opening so it was a real pleasure to visit @BarbicanCentre for Dubuffet’s exhibition. Super! #reopening #london #art #london #dubuffet
#JeanDubuffet looked to the margins of the every day—the art of prisoners, psychics, the uneducated, and the institutionalized—to liberate his own creativity, coining the term “Art Brut”
Artwork: Jean Dubuffet, Site avec 8 personnages, E 173, 13 juin 1981.
In 1948 Jean Dubuffet, Andre Breton and others formed the "Compagnie de l’Art Brut" to find and publicise the 'rough art' that Der Blaue Reiter group had celebrated. Over the years they built a vast collection.
#JeanDubuffet: “Personally, I believe very much in values of savagery; I mean: instinct, passion, mood, violence, madness.” -Jean Dubuffet
Artwork: Jean Dubuffet, Site avec 4 personnages, 20 aout 1981, acrylic on paper, 50 x 67 cm at #OperaGallery Miami