You always need someone to help you carry things in a so here, is The Collector from Baroque! Process in the Thread

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Took a look at Dungeon for tonight. It's not really a More like an advanced HyperCard stack. Forward-only one-way movement.

I will not be including it in the DRPG Book, but here's some screenshots of it's interesting art style and humorous intro.

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Updated pics from Morgana, WIP You can find it on Facebook. I would post a link, but they make it way too hard to copy the URL.

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More Black Bird. Dungeons started small with easy combat, but by the third dungeon are getting larger and more difficult. Combat has special items that let you switch tiles, but I'm still trying to figure that out.

Oh, and I realized this is an

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Whale's Voyage (Flair, 1993) Always nice to see a SF dungeoncrawler.

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