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¿como sería un videojuego de los 90 para pc japonesa con de protagonista? cruzar el tiempo y el espacio con el poder de la música, Reion's midnight rock para PC98, una producción de puddingsoft. diseño original de

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人参君2 - コギャル女王様危機一髪 / No Name game of the week
Based on the game Rusty (ラスティ) for the PC98, it is quite a good game for MSX2, just needs some speed and the music is great 👍
It is rated +18 😝
Developed by 😊

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XIX, XX, and XXI
Male Marisa: normal, PC98, and Fumo

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Tenshin Ranma (天神乱魔), for and was released on March 18, 1992.

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Themm: Haruka Naru Meikyū (THEMM ~はるかなる迷宮~), for was released on February 24, 1995.

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More Black Bird. Dungeons started small with easy combat, but by the third dungeon are getting larger and more difficult. Combat has special items that let you switch tiles, but I'm still trying to figure that out.

Oh, and I realized this is an

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A couple had some similar graphic portraits based on PC98, FC/NES, SFC/SNES, etc.
I like to make the same designs for more of my OCs for my SRPGs and Sangokushi Tsukuru.

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シャングリラ Shangrlia. Elf, PC98, X68k, 1991.

Yes, they spelled the name Shangrlia, not Shangrila.

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不揃いのレモン Uneven Lemon. Bonbee Bon Bon!, PC98, 1994.

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麻雀エレガンス Mahjong Elegance. C CLASS, PC98, 1994.

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エスカレーション'95 Escalation '95. Fairy Dust, PC98, 1995.

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Queen of Fighters. Nekomimi Soft, PC98, 1994

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アルミスト Armist. Basement, PC98, 1992.

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ぷりんせすでんじゃあ Princess Danger. Janis, PC98, FM Towns, 1994, Windows, 1996.

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キサントゲノス 魔性甦る時 XantGenos: Time of Diabolic Revival. Heart Soft, PC98, 1992.

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デ・ジャ DE・JA. Elf, PC88, PC98, MSDOS, MSX, X68k, 1990, PC-Engine, 1996, Windows 2004.

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Innocent Tour イノセントトゥアー. KSS, PC98, 1996

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黄昏の境界 Twilight boundary. TIARE, PC98, Win, 1997.

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魔性の貌 Mashou no Kao. Mink, PC98, 1996m Win, 1997, 2010.

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