2 day from the
yes I know, I didn't make it yesterday. Theme was "roses". from the list of the artist where I join. have drawn an OC from their closed species. which has roses on the body.

7 44

1st day of the from a separate list by an artist. my demon in his earliest form. love him! My poor little boy. T_T

'New Life'

5 34

so I did it. After almost 4 months I finished the picture for the winner of my raffle. I'm so damn slow. 😭 but she is very happy about the result. you can see her bloodelf Arandir from the WoW universe.

7 43

Before I totally forget it again. Like the last 2 weeks. Here is an OC I have drawn for a
I really liked this boy. & by the way I won the Adopt. ;)

3 28

I draw him too rarely with his natural hair color. So here he is. my beloved demon Salyon. *_* keep smiling~

11 56

So nun kleines Fliedermädchen. Was sich als süßes Dragongirl entpuppte. 💜
Liebe sie so sehr. T///T

Flieder wie immer beste Zensur. Uncut nur für Auserwählte. 😏💛✨

Nymeria belongs to ☺️

2 11

Endlich ist es geschafft! Nach x Mio mal nacharbeiten & korrigieren.

Endlich mal wieder Darin! Hab ihn schon jahrelang nicht mehr gezeichnet. Das wird sich jetzt hoffentlich ändern. ^^

1 15

Haar Vielfalt xD
War das ne Arbeit! Aber hat voll Spaß gemacht. Salyon zu ärgern macht immer Spaß xD
Was ist euer Favo?

1 16