El día 18 del inktober es “Misfit” o “inadaptado” e hice al angel Lucifer antes de caer por ser rebelde.

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El día 13 del inktober es “Ash” o “Ceniza”, hice un pequeño fan art de Hastur de la serie de Good Omens gritando por ver a Ligur destruido por el agua bendita.

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Legend has it that there are endless treasures to be had just east of the Bermuda Triangle. Read the full story on my IG!

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Overgrown 🌱🦗
This beautiful praying mantis paid my balcony a little visit a few weeks ago. After snapping some photos of him, I knew that I had to draw him for one of my prompts!💚💛

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Empecé muy tarde el inktober de este año pero voy intentar terminar esté inktober y este dibujo es de Ring, me inspire en las mujeres jirafas tailandesas.

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15 of 31 with
Giorno and Trish for

Music: Yugo Kanno - legame

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Another prompt I snuck into a strip... - WILD. HAd some fun throwing color in this one the other day.

The original B&W strip:

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“Ornament” This chaos is coming soon... hopefully my Christmas ornaments will survive the cats...

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“Legend” Who loves ghost stories? Who loves telling ghost stories and scaring the daylights out of people...?🙋🏻‍♀️👻🎃😉

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Day 18: Misfit

When you give a dog a lion trim and they feel they fit in among the bravest lions...

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