Day 26 of was College/Roomates AU! I think Shun has his eye on a beautiful dance major...

4 11

Day 31

24 77

I know a lot of people did classics from like... the twenties and the like but I love Little Shop of Horrors and you will pry Aphrodite II from my cold dead hands.

6 16

Day 12- Pets
None of the bronze saints has a pet, but i like that one episode where Seiya rents a dog to search for ikki but couldn't find more than that tree...Seiya wants his money back...

10 37

Day 10/11- Fairytale/Flowers
How about Eri as the princess and Eris as the witch of the tale?

13 32

Day 16 Nationality. Seeing as how there are no Australian Saints, I had to make one myself ^^ This is Fornax Deneb, that's all I got XD

6 8

I'm straight up a whole week late at this point but who cares! Day 19 of is Cyberpunk, which I would have been great at if I still regularly drew Transformers. Oh well!

5 17

Saintober 2020, Day 25: Yourself in you fav's cloth

3 4

day 18 Tarot | Odysseus
The Hermit

12 29

Second work.
Day 24. Crossover.
Pisces and his new floral girlfriend.

6 12

day 16 : Nationality | Deathmask-Italy
One Caprese salad please

5 22

🦋 DAY 8 🦋

Piscis Aphrodite
Lizard Misty

2 14