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#rudolfsteiner said a hundred years ago that “the future requires that we base general education upon concepts that can serve as a foundation for #imaginative thoughts.” #educationasaforceforsocialchange #waldorfeducation #steinercommunity #educationasart #steinercurriculum
A full immersion in the #chroniclesofnarnia with these #steinerfifthgrade drawings. #educationasart #waldorfeducation #steinerstudentswork #loveofreading #learningbydrawing #willforces
#prespectivedrawing is introduced in #steinerseventhgrade In #history #steinerstudents learn about the #italianrenaissance and architect Filippo Brunelleschi (1377–1446).
#steinerstudentswork #meetingtheadolescent #waldorfeducation #educationasart #steinerupperschool
#rudolfsteiner “the future requires that we base general education upon concepts that can serve as a foundation for #imaginative thoughts [...] That is, if we do not teach concepts that affect human feeling.” #waldorfeducation #educationasart #vangogh #steinersixthgrade
“#elephants are the road-builders of the jungle, making paths which other animals and even human beings can use.” #charleskovacs #steinerblackboarddrawing #steinerfourthgrade #enlivenimagination #waldorfeducation #educationasart #steinerteachers #steinercurriculum
The entire teaching body, being thus united, will experience the whole school as a unity. Then a common enthusiasm will pervade the school, but also a willingness to share in all its sorrows & worries. #rudolfsteiner #waldorfeducation #waldorfschools #educationasart #happymayday
“I have always loved to read. The companionship of a book...”
https://t.co/t3xxhdKGj4 #steinerblog #steinercommunity #joyofreading #steinercurriculum #steinerteachers #educationasart #enlivenimagination #waldorfeducation
A sense of beauty, inspiration and curiosity pervades the student when facing this ephemeral form of art: the #blackboarddrawing, a consistent element in every #steinerclassroom #waldorfeducation
#educationasart #steinerblackboarddrawing #steinerteachers #enlivenimagination
One of the wonders you’ll find in our classrooms at our #openhouse. The study of #ancientrome in #steinersixthgrade
Hannibal's crossing of the Alps in 218 BC. #steinercurriculum #waldorfeducation #teachinghistory #thewaldorfway #educationasart #steinerteachers #waldorfblackboard
These #blackandwhite drawings are from the #steinerninthgrade.
#prospectiveparents sign up for our next #openhouse for grades 7-12 learn more about the #steinercurriculum & #waldorfeducation: https://t.co/RkMQw3qfJX #africanandasianmasks #steinerhighschool #educationasart
In high school #steinerstudents are quite familiar w high contrast. Understanding their development give teachers the chance to introduce polarities such as black/white, light/dark. #steinerninthgrade #blackandwhitedrawings #steinerupperschool #waldorfeducation #educationasart
When students go through the middle school years they start to take a distance from color and to see more in high contrast like black and white. #steinereighthrade #blackandwhitedrawings #steinerupperschool #waldorfeducation #educationasart #steinerstudents #childdevelopment