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#rudolfsteiner said a hundred years ago that “the future requires that we base general education upon concepts that can serve as a foundation for #imaginative thoughts.” #educationasaforceforsocialchange #waldorfeducation #steinercommunity #educationasart #steinercurriculum
A full immersion in the #chroniclesofnarnia with these #steinerfifthgrade drawings. #educationasart #waldorfeducation #steinerstudentswork #loveofreading #learningbydrawing #willforces
#prespectivedrawing is introduced in #steinerseventhgrade In #history #steinerstudents learn about the #italianrenaissance and architect Filippo Brunelleschi (1377–1446).
#steinerstudentswork #meetingtheadolescent #waldorfeducation #educationasart #steinerupperschool
#steinerseventhgrade is a year of #wonder, self-discovery, historical events, algebra, physics, chemical reactions, physiology, the renaissance, and there’s still room for #nature, color, and new painting’s skills. #steinerwatercolor #steinerstudentswork #waldorfeducation
#rudolfsteiner “the future requires that we base general education upon concepts that can serve as a foundation for #imaginative thoughts [...] That is, if we do not teach concepts that affect human feeling.” #waldorfeducation #educationasart #vangogh #steinersixthgrade
“#elephants are the road-builders of the jungle, making paths which other animals and even human beings can use.” #charleskovacs #steinerblackboarddrawing #steinerfourthgrade #enlivenimagination #waldorfeducation #educationasart #steinerteachers #steinercurriculum
“Synergy between thoughts and feelings reads the universe like an opened book.” #tobabeta —
The endless possibilities of #geometricdrawings in the #steinersixthgrade #steinercurriculum #waldorfeducation #color #wewalkinbeauty #enlivenimagination
The entire teaching body, being thus united, will experience the whole school as a unity. Then a common enthusiasm will pervade the school, but also a willingness to share in all its sorrows & worries. #rudolfsteiner #waldorfeducation #waldorfschools #educationasart #happymayday
“I have always loved to read. The companionship of a book...”
https://t.co/t3xxhdKGj4 #steinerblog #steinercommunity #joyofreading #steinercurriculum #steinerteachers #educationasart #enlivenimagination #waldorfeducation
A sense of beauty, inspiration and curiosity pervades the student when facing this ephemeral form of art: the #blackboarddrawing, a consistent element in every #steinerclassroom #waldorfeducation
#educationasart #steinerblackboarddrawing #steinerteachers #enlivenimagination
If we do not believe within ourselves this deeply rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find the strength to evolve into something higher. #rudolfsteiner
#painting #steinerstudents #waldorfeducation #meetingtheadolescent #enlivenimagination
New additions to the #signcollection #thewaldorfway #steinerfallfair #countdown Saturday, November 23rd 10 AM - 4 PM #steinercommunity #waldorfeducation #steinerparemts
“The healthy social life is found
When, in the mirror of each human being
The whole community finds its reflection -
And when, in the community
The virtue of each one is living.” #rudolfsteiner #corevalues #threefoldorganism #steinercommunity #wewalkinbeauty #waldorfeducation
This dance form is an essential part of the curriculum in Waldorf schools. It has its echo in another topic unique to Waldorf schools, #formdrawing. #eurythmy #euryhtmyvowels #steinercurriculum #childdevelopment #wewalkinbeauty #livingeducation #willforces #waldorfeducation
“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” #ralphwaldoemerson #steinerninthgrade #steinerdrawingclass #learningbydrawing #wewalkinbeauty #wholehumaneing #meetingtheadolescent #waldorfeducation #steinerhighschool
"You must be for the children the representative of the good, the true, and the beautiful. The Children must be drawn to truth, goodness, and beauty simply because the children are drawn to you yourself." #rudolfsteiner
#kingdomofchildhood #childdevelopment #waldorfeducation
One of the wonders you’ll find in our classrooms at our #openhouse. The study of #ancientrome in #steinersixthgrade
Hannibal's crossing of the Alps in 218 BC. #steinercurriculum #waldorfeducation #teachinghistory #thewaldorfway #educationasart #steinerteachers #waldorfblackboard
These #blackandwhite drawings are from the #steinerninthgrade.
#prospectiveparents sign up for our next #openhouse for grades 7-12 learn more about the #steinercurriculum & #waldorfeducation: https://t.co/RkMQw3qfJX #africanandasianmasks #steinerhighschool #educationasart