In his artworks, artist Ildar Minnegalimov portrays his fear, hoping people will be able to understand his soulful feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and self-destruction. Explore more of Minnegalimov’s work at ARTMO: !

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Tolerance is a virtue. it makes life easier for all groups.
This collection illustrates different groups.
, and
We hope you like the art and help us in our goal of opening an Art Gallery in Decentraland

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You can fool some of the people some of the time — and that's enough to make a decent living. – W.C. Fields

10 13

Here's my new Racist Bones cartoon!

We have a great collection of cartoons on Trump and at: Come LOOK!

4 12

If laws are not enforced, people are not well governed.

3 11

Bringing a child to the scene of crime should be a felony. If that child dies then the parent should be charged with murder

Would you knowingly bring a child to a bank robbery?

0 1

Sacramento Democrats Should Welcome Foreign Criminals Into Their Homes




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Mayor Kenney wants as many as possible. Most residents would disagree.

2 2

Malgré la censure de la par le Conseil Constitutionnel
luttant pour
l' autonomie semencière et alimentaire poursuit son juste combat contre
les agro-industriels

0 4