Chalchiuhtlicue en el Códice Telleriano-Remensis.

La imagen muestra a la diosa mexica del agua y la fertilidad ataviada con elementos marinos. En sus manos sostiene un tzotzopaztli ("palo-cuchillo") y un malacatl ("madera con hilo"), instrumentos utilizados por las tejedoras.

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For Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent deity of the Aztecs, shown here in full zoomorphic form snacking on a human in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, c. 1563.
MS Mexicain 385 f. 18r:

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Los de Tlacopan (Tacuba) y Texcoco, según el Códice Telleriano-Remensis y el Códice Ixtlilxóchitl, respectivamente...

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Based on Codex Tudela, Codex Telleriano-Remensis, Codex Selden, Codex Mendoza, Codex Xicotepec, and various Huastec sculptures and figurines (including "El adolescente de Tamuín").

Later I'm gonna upload a blog post discussing the sources cited above.

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World of Warcraft Characters as AO3 Tags - Part 3

Feat. Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, High Exarch Turalyon, Garrosh Hellscream, Tiffin Ellerian Wrynn, Calia Menethil, Katrana Prestor, Prophet Velen and Algalon the Observer.

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El encuentro entre Moctezuma y Cortés, restaurado del Vaticano A al estilo del Códice Telleriano Remensis

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and finally of the RAW NPCs, the Abbot and Marzena.

I changed that entire arc to be less "gawk at the mentally ill inbred people" and more about people entering a Ursula-type deal. The party fixed a lot of the mongrelfolk, including Marzena. Ellerian is actually marrying her.

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profile pictures for my players in the post-Curse of Strahd campaign, following the party/NPC's adventures in the real world instead of shitworld dread domain Barovia.

Here's Ellerian and Arialoth.

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Atavíos militares del Códice Mendoza, Telleriano-Remensis, Matriense y Florentino.

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"500 years ago, the magnificent capital, was devastated by an outbreak caused by European contact. I'm preparing an online exhibit for this fall about recollections of the tragedy." —Felipe Ledesma-Núñez
📖: Codex Telleriano-Remensis.

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One of the most bizzare facts about 21 centery is that despide drastically shortened attention spawn the most popular books are novels of 3+ parts🌺
Ph: pugoffka_sama (inst) ❤️

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Tiffin Ellerian, AKA Queen Tiffin Wrynn, First of Her Name, Could Definitely Kick Your Ass in Heels, Queen Consort of Stormwind.


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