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i felt soo bad just giving them a line on a page so I had to do this at least https://t.co/nSiPk7t5vX

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as it's done here as well. A series about how someone that seemingly has nothing can find the will to move forward and take their life back for themselves. Covering heavy topics like self-harm or ending things altogether, we find that there's always someone there to whom we make

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When an individual acquires great power, the use or misuse of that power is everything. Will it be used for the greater good or will it be used for personal or destructive ends? Now this is a question we must all ask ourselves. Why? Because we are mutants. - X-Men: The Last Stand

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Necronomicon (2nd Edition) 913:1-2

Sovereignty looked upon the other gods in awe and envy, for unlike Her, they are capable of creating life all by themselves. But perhaps She doesn't need to.

2 10

as a secluded society of their daily life in the abbey, they have to wash everything by them selves.

7 145

More of my favorite danmachi girls in more casual clothing. No Riveria or Amid though this time since they got New Year's to themselves.

58 496

[c0mm wip]
how i break down hair
also elves.. *chef's kiss*

4 45

Even though the Commander met different version of his Captain, each of them has their own unique version of themselves. Yet, each encounter left him yearning for the authentic connection he once felt.

Finally, they reunited again.

"Long time no see, blondie."

-The End- https://t.co/8RBBh2RTYH

407 1901

No more dangerous fights with new quirk regression therapy. Have your danger prone heroes regress back to their quirkless innocent selves. Only pacis, playtime and diaper changies for these little angels.

See the full set ~ https://t.co/iEKORr0yHZ

77 417

Unless you're blind or impaired in some way that your clumsy dick-grabbers can't hold a pencil right, then you have no excuse. Literally anyone can try. Any talent is a learned interest.

Your prescription calls. Those pills aren't going to take themselves. https://t.co/TFEHw1gXnE

18 138

Fights between heroes and villains are too dangerous, so with the new quirk regressing training, all little would be heroes or villains are returned to their quirkless innocent selves. Including potty retraining.

See the wet and messy alts on my patreon ~ https://t.co/gDR9dHbW19

76 430

お疲れ様でした!  ヒジキはCa、Mg、鉄、ヨウ素、食物繊維などに富んでいるそう

"The golden shiny train looks amazing, doesn't it? And it seems nearly empty, like we've got it all to ourselves."

18 113


"We also have non-alcoholic drinks available, so even those who are not fond of alcohol can enjoy themselves."

20 114

English Translation
Artist commentary : I want kemonomimi type students to have a mating season and feel restless and horny periodically. I also want the students to have a mutual understanding among themselves.

52 331

good morning.

Let's make it a meaningful day for ourselves.

21 119

We all must reflect on what is inside of us. Our thoughts and feelings might come from places we might not expect and we might not always be ready to face our inner truth. Before we judge others, we need to judge ourselves. Clarity will come but only once we've lifted that veil.

36 137

Those who admit that I’m King Cobra in are the wise ones.
Anyone who says otherwise is lying tk themselves.

5 23

❝ Every now and then, small, bright fragments are born from the night. These fragments, similar to petite stars, contain memories and dreams.
These stars, are born in The Novarium.
So come, and they shall speak to you the stories of themselves. ❜❜

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