Having received a number of texts and calls tonight....

as a emergency doc who studies cardiac arrest for a living: a mini thread on CPR and

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Signs of circulatory failure. Excerpts from a series of illustrations I've had a great time working on over the past few months.⁠ No kids or kidneys were harmed in the making of this :-)

54 162

Signs of respiratory distress. Excerpts from a series of Paediatric Emergency Medicine illustrations I've been working on over the past few months.

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1. What pathology am I painting? 2. What features can you see? Note - it's still a work in progress!

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Close up of my "Causes of chest pain" illustrated differential diagnosis, without the labels! What pathology can you see? Full article: https://t.co/HLZT3kXGh8

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Our latest study demonstrates that repeated oxygen-driven nebulisation leads to clinically relevant increase in blood carbon dioxide levels in acute exacerbations of compared to air-driven nebulisation. Paper: https://t.co/r28x6zXrMC

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Jill Rhead created this image depicting the of a 🧠

On the left: what happens to your brain during the event.
On the right: the area of the affected.

See more work: https://t.co/1Hq6ojNfr5

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Cardiac tamponade results when extra material e.g. blood accumulates between the heart and its fibrous covering, the pericardium. The pressure crushes the heart, reducing its ability to pump blood until it arrests.

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