Happy White Day!
Do you like eating sweets? 👀

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🐈‍⬛ 2月22日 ~ 猫の日
February 22 ~ Happy Cat Day 🐈‍⬛
/ᐠ_ ꞈ _ᐟ\

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Happy Valentines Day 🎀 ハッピーバレンタイン

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Haren and Turtle helped me set up a Pixelmon server so we're going to play! 今日はマイクラにポケモンやるよ!

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Good morning from your seiso VTuber! 👀 I'm trying to stream at least once a week on the weekends!
Sorry I haven't been able to talk with you all as much, I've been busy with school but I'm doing my best to finish my work so we can hang out on the weekends!

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I can't believe you laughed at me for this bro wtf HAHA
The rest of you let me know what result you got! The quiz link is in the comments https://t.co/8OUZHfrnRb

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I got the game Inside the Backrooms! I might play it for the first-time on stream today. I heard that it's scary 😎 Not a problem for me though

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昨日家に戻ったから今夜みるくちゃんとコラボ予定! みるくちゃん面白いし、ゲームもうまいからぜひみるくちゃんと仲良くしてねお前ら!
僕ゲーム下手からみるくちゃんにまかせるで! 😎 よろしくううううう

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Happy Halloween! and I have a surprise prepared in the next few hours! Please look forward to it 🖤 ✝️

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I'm uncertified but can I put it in? 未認証だけど入れてもいい? 💉

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I'm too old to go trick or treating but I will be dressing up with a friend for Halloween! Can you guess what cosplay it might be? 👀 ✨
What about you? Do you have any plans for Halloween? 🎃🍬🦇

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Do you have plans for any Halloween costumes? and I got too excited we already started preparing... 🎃

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Aw pups you look so cute! ✨

Yanagi said that I might suit a witch for halloween so this was fun to do 🪄

Tagging: https://t.co/NfMQPHsCBt

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I'm celebrating my birthday early tomorrow! I will get a manicure for the first time, do some karaoke and eat tasty food! 💅 まだ僕の誕生日じゃないだけど明日祝うする!初めてのマニキュア、カラオケと美味しもの食べます!

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Good morning! 🌸
This month on the 26th is my birthday, any suggestions on what I should do? I really want the salmon sashimi birthday cake LOL 🍣 今月の26日は僕の誕生日、なにしようかな? あの鮭のケーキ食べたいなw

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Good morning! 🌅
I'm going to try drawing and streaming more because I want to! I don't know why I'm always so scared... Please cheer me on 🥹 もっと絵描きたいと配信したい! でもなぜかいつも怖いんだよな・・・頑張るから応援してね

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For many years I've wanted to be more stylish but I don't have the confidence to... 🥹
How do you normally dress?

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Ty Fuwa and for the tag! ✨
POV: We're on an internet cafe date and someone in chat starts talking smack about you so I ask to switch chairs

Tagging: I want to see your ikemen versions LOOL https://t.co/eAQMi7RUMY

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