Here’s some Emily and Lena too ;0;

I love these two ♡

Emily needs more appreciation honestly <\3

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Spoiler alert! Emily new hairstyle is so OP, it made Tracer weak!

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They’re so cute together I had to draw them! ❤️

4 7

Overwatch blessing me with new emilena content my crops are watered my skin is clear. LOOK AT THIS PANEL I'M DEAD AND IN HEAVEN

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if the camera doesn't have a self timer, don't worry! Your time traveler girlfriend can do the job just fine :3

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A picture taken the day got married! I think this was the first post I made for pride month 2020 and I love it. drawing instant photos is always a good time.

4 8

haven't posted art in a while, but it's still pride month!!

2 14

[#overwatchemilena, ] The winner of the femslash poll! Decided to do my hc of how they met <3

35 122

Presentem el cartell del 3r Maid Cafè a Sabadell!
Poc a poc anirem penjant la resta d'activitats per anar obrint boca :)
Pròximament el podreu veure penjat per la Sabadell i rodalies!

5 4

Succubus Emily from Touch-Starved, a fic by Bzarcher ♥

8 31

Small emilena for pride month 🏳️‍🌈❤️

78 211

mmm love me some emilena/tracemily/idk what people really call it

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I just wanted to thank for saving christmas last year and every year after that

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