Name: Tea Gardner
Age: 18+
Species: Human
Gender: Female
↺ & ♡

130 251

Name: Nagisa
Age: 18 (Can be adjusted depending on the RP)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5'5
Bottom || 95% sub 5% dom

3 1


Until I get 7K followers Nari is in breeding season!!

If you’re a *follower* and we RP, I have a 100% of getting knocked up!


342 781

“Is this really how every diplomatic meeting has to go? Not that I am complaining of course.”

1 13

~Shio Akayama~
~The School Slut~
Occupation: Student/Whore on the side
Side Info: Shio is quite easy to get along with she is kind and loving but has a short fuse when it comes to guys.

22 90