As the Eurogroup squabbled over a fiscal response to the corona crisis, Mario Draghi’s house was on fire … LITERALLY.

All well. Sounds like a minor incident. But ….
You could not make this s*** up!

23 69

L'accord / vu par le dessinateur grec ...

26 7

"No one is more ungrateful than he who has benefited by you"

0 0

The Motorcycle Diaries

"..for people whose farthest horizon has always been tomorrow"

3 1

Εμείς ειμαστε η Αγία Βαρβάρα χωρίς Ν

(Ν for Νοσοκομειο)

0 0

Thank you Angela Merkel
Thank you Wolfgang Schäuble (by Stefanos)

1 0

...τι θα καταλάβουμε, τι θα καζαντήσουμε

και ο μήνας έχει εννιά
και ο μήνας έχει "nein"

0 0

Je Suis Tάσος Αναστασίου.

1 0