Will you be at this Saturday? The Big Punch Studios team is proud to be representing our home town. Come find us on Tables 62-63 for all your 7STRING, Cat & Meringue and needs - oh, and let's not forget Sandwich Masters!

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We're proud to be making our first Scottish appearance at this weekend in Glasgow. Come find us in the for all your Cat & Meringue, 7STRING, Extraversal and Sandwich Masters action (phew!)

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We're proud to be exhibiting in the at Manchester, tables CA1-2. Come find us for all your favorites, including 7STRING, Cat and Meringue, Extraversal and Sandwich Masters! We'll see you there!

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We're so excited to be returning to MCM London this weekend - our favourite show of the year and our home away from home! Come find Afterlife Inc, 7STRING, Cat and Meringue, and Extraversal in the , tables 35-36

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Hey folks! Did we mention we're coming to Birmingham? Come find us in the , tables 22-23, for all your Afterlife Inc, 7STRING, Cat & Meringue and Extraversal needs! We look forward to seeing you there.

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2018 in review.

Went on honeymoon
Changed jobs
Got a tattoo
Hosted the
Published 76 pages of Afterlife Inc. (online)
Published four issues of Extraversal (print) (184 pages)
Launched (26 pages)
Bought a house
Slept (occasionally)

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From Extraversal to Afterlife Inc., from 7STRING to Cat and Meringue, we're bringing the thunder at this year. Come find us in the Comixology Marquee, Table 190. We'll see you there.

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We don't wish to alarm you, but Volume 1 of has just gone to print - with thanks to our incredible artists and backers for making this possible!

176 pages. Five worlds. One story.

Welcome to the Big Punch Multiverse.

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Three years and 12 issues in the making... From 99 Swords to Afterlife Inc... from Cuckoos to 7STRING... from Orb to Cat & Meringue... the Big Punch Multiverse is about to be shaken to its core. Brace for Perfect Storm, coming 2018 in the pages of

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We know we say this every time, but the latest issue of is BEAUTIFUL. Find out more here: https://t.co/UPqQm3b30l

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Your daily reminder that this is 's world.

We just live in it.

Issue 11 of Extraversal from is out next month.

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His Swordhunting may leave a lot to be desired, but Tyler's beauty is undeniable. Issue 11 of feat. 99 Swords, is under way.

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Woo! Extraversal Issue 9 has gone to print! Thanks for the support, gang. Year 3 starts in style! Catch up here: https://t.co/DW3kr8qE3z

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