In her prior life, an astrophysicist portending doom for the Lunar Ecumenopolis, the Saint of Meteors is frequently raised as an example of the fallibility of World Government. When her warnings went unheeded, her increasingly desperate measures eventually ended in her ascension.

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One benefit of making mistakes is that it brings us face to face with our own fallibility. That way we’re not so shocked when we encounter it in others.

Blossom, iPhone case --

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In her prior life, an astrophysicist portending doom for the Lunar Ecumenopolis, the Saint of Meteors is frequently raised as an example of the fallibility of World Government. When her warnings went unheeded, her increasingly desperate measures eventually ended in her ascension.

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However, the Avengers’ actions, coupled with the human fallibility of the five individuals with whom she bonded, unleashed the destructively cleansing aspect of the Phoenix. No matter; Jean had created Hope Summers as a fail-safe just in case. (She warned Emma about that, too).

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...fallibility of human institutions as a means of delivering "justice" upon mutants; an element of the mutant metaphor, sadly, advanced by the failures of our own criminal legal system in regards to race, gender, and sexuality.

Even Scott's knowledge that the Avengers and FF...

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...would be handled much differently today. In the light of America's broader reckoning with police violence, the imagery of Corsi's gun pulled on a child is certainly distressing.

For Tom, it's human fallibility–but between the reality of police brutality...

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The infallibility of the party. A bloated national feeling against the background of thousands of years of accumulation. 1-party dictatorship by the party based on the idea of realizing the ideal. Looking at the bloated country, I'm afraid. Is there an ideal there?

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Congratulations on the almost 8k. I’ve added myself to your followers 😊. Thank you for this opportunity to share my art with a wider audience.

My name’s Matt. I’ an artist form the UK. I love drawing well known characters failing spectacularly. I like to show fallibility.

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Tesserakt’s work results in a new AI that they codename The Keeper, devoid of human bias and emotional fallibility. Despite Andoval’s protestations, Khorto orders Tesserakt to wipe clean any record of ARCHETYPE’s existence.

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Never underestimate the fallibility
Of a maniac
Their liability to err
And our inevitable benevolence
As insomniacs
Our ability to live, love, and learn

5 6

Never underestimate the fallibility
Of a maniac
Their liability to err
And our inevitable benevolence
As insomniacs
Our ability to live, love, and learn

5 7

The is a mark of his Contrast that with the of the Library. One of these things is going to die, and the other will exist ~Jorge Luis Borges

of Owen Carson

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'Chaos, Contrasts, Change' opens 9 May with by Richard Moon Aristocrat with references to the fallibility of figures of authority.

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