some krimbus art, one of christmas gum and pyrite, and a nutcracker themed fareon gijinka drawing!
sorry for the silence art wise, college is- hey, it taught me some good drawing stuff, at least!!

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My older Flying Fareon

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When I was 17 (13 years ago ugh) I made a ghost type called Nefareon which was ridiculously hard to obtain. It involved having a spell tag (which repels pokemon) on the first in your party (an Eevee) and then managing to level it up regardless but BEFORE it loved you. Wild.

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Also a fusion of Clefairy and Flareon

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The first thing I uploaded was a ghost-type Eevolution I made up in 2007 at age 16. It was called Nefareon and I made it ridiculously difficult to evolve from Eevee.

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