September Fashion Swap Day 4 - Classy and Sassy!
I actually changed their hair this time too lol
Ah my two favorite femme fatales, ready to kick some ass!

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Meet Elysia! 's beautiful oc who I was lucky enough to paint for the She's wearing something from Amie's lingere collection ♥

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My part of the ! This is oc Lyric wearing an outfit inspired by my own worlds creation. Thank you for allowing me to design a dress for her💙💙

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Here's my part for the This is Amie, 's amazing OC! The palette was inspired by my own Inquisitor Jeana and I just went with Amie's flow for the rest!


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My contribution for
Here's Moonie 's OC
Thanks and for organizing all this, it was really inspiring 💖🤩💖

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Here is lovely OC Alea for the i had so much fun drawing her!✨✨

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I haven't played but Milo here seemed to give off big Yunobo energy from and I thought I'd give them a li'l Is that a hashtag? It is now.

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ShuTaba P5S Fashionswap! 😳🥰
*I personally like how Ren turned out so good looking wearing Futaba's green long jacket, you gotta wear more colorful clothes, boye~~*

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