The kabeedon is now in full colors 🐝🌹#FE3H

769 3445

HELLO!! I have new ferdithea & bylitza heart buttons for preorder in my sh❤️p :3c
🔗 & more info below!

27 120

"I do not mind you thinking of me as a bee. Life as a simple drone, circling a queen... It actually sounds quite wonderful."

(I blame for this! so much awesome fanart made me want to draw them😭)

26 79

Extremely self-indulgent 2 am ferdithea doodle ✌️

6 33

This first piece is quite literally the largest canvas I've ever drawn on. I had a background but I couldn't get it to look like I wanted so I left a tree that I liked too much to delete.

2 4

I don’t think videos are very popular on this social media but would you like to see more Timelapse of my work?

111 1417

I only hope my mind doesn't wander to other things while we train...

512 2321

Favorite characters in my favorite movie ❤️🧡

6 8

ferdithea commission for
thank you for commissioning me! :3

7 43

(WIP) Fodlan Symphonic Orchestra AU...Dorothea's singing is distracting the second chair

0 4