The Cambrian bivalved arthropods from my PhD at the at and .
Tuzoia burgessensis. Art Brittany Cheung
Fibulacaris nereidis, Art
Balhuticaris voltae, Art
Pakucaris apatis, Art

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After discovering the natural treasures only known as fibula..I can only inform you that....

I am rapidly approaching


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Rattober Day 9 - Hoarding Rat

Fibula really likes cheerios

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Daeodon shoshonensis WIP. Scale bar is 100cm.
The funny thing I noticed that the Daeodon was obviously got larger from its ancestor and fused its ulno-radius(forearms) & tibia-fibula(hindlegs) to support the heavier body. The strong limbs made it a basically hippo-head bison.

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Daami Recalls Hers:
"Infibulation was done to me when I was little. I was married off when I was 12 years old to a much older man.
On my wedding night, when he came to me to open me up, it felt like having a flame on an open wound. I was crying but he enjoyed it;

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is the skeletal anatomy of Bannykus wulatensis: (A) skeletal silhouette showing preserved bones (in gray); (B) histological thin-section of the fibula; (C) left frontal in dorsal view; (D) basioccipital in ventral view; (E) left surangular in lateral view; (F-H) vertebrae in left

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Limb bone restoration of Moroccan Spinosaurid based on dorsal vertebra as standard. From top to bottom: anterior dorsal vertebra(left); mid dorsal vertebra(right); radius; femur; fibula; and Tibia
The length of radius is ~67.74% of femur length.

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Impingement of the distal fascicle of the anterior tibiofibular ligament or Bassett ligament. Repetitive friction with talus can lead to ligament thickening, focal synovitis, fibrosis, and abrasion to the articular cartilage of the lateral aspect of the talar dome.

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Horror Many Wives Face💔
I'm Hibaaq, from Jowhar in Somalia. Like many Somalian girls, I was infibulated when I was 8 years old.
When I got married, we tried for five days to get me opened but blood just poured out and in my pain, I wrestled with my husband out of bed!

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A 3D-model of a rare fibula (pin for fastening garments) in the form of a

Animal-shaped brooches were popular in the north-western provinces of the Roman empire, yet they rarely appear in the form of frogs. 1/2

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A beautifully engraved intaglio in the collection. This one shows Antinous, the companion& lover of Hadrian, in profile. Part of the bust, fibula, and drapery have been restored in gold as part of a more modern mount. It dates to AD131-138

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The series of recent Burgess monsters👾❤️
①Fibulacaris nereidis
This 'bivalved' arthropod was found from Burgess Shale, Marble Canyon area (discovered quite recently!)
They were potentially swimming upside down, so keep that in mind when you paste it!🤸‍♀️✨

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Reconstruction of a Celtic grave found at Zürich, from around 200 BCE. The wealthy woman grew up in the local Limmattal valley and was buried age 40 in an oak trunk coffin, wearing clothes made of sheep wool and sheepskin, leather shoes, fibulas and other jewelry.

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Madeline in Goth Ghost Hunter Garb á la . I usually don't put shoes on Mads no matter what...because her metatarsal bones are longer than either her tibia/fibula or her femur, but I made an exception for the spiked boots ^__^

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Edmontosaurus - I spent a few weeks in a field course working in a bonebed of this dinosaur last month! Favourite find was a fibula the size of a hockey stick

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A lovely enamelled copper alloy fibula (brooch) in the form of a Found in Bliesbruck.
Fibulae in form of animals appear mainly throughout  the north-western provinces of the Roman Empire.

Photo: Parc Archéologique Européen Bliesbruck-Reinheim

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