When lily is coming to the game i am definetely making them sit there 😭💖
(alsofinallyfinishedtheweek <3)

0 13


I had the pleasure of drawing a piece for ’s fic “It Comes Back Around” for

Please be warned, the accompanying art is very graphic.

You can read the fic here:

3 29

🌌🌙Midnight Star Flurry🌙🌌
FINALLY!! I finished this after MONTHS of chipping away at it 😭😂 (i cri of the happy) I hope you like this and thanks for patiently waiting for me

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"Remember Kook, where there are spirits, there is money."
- 'Exorcist' Jung to his newly acquired apprentice

(technically a scam)

1 3

Aurora Crow, Original Character - 2059 Bounty hunter , weapons expert and close hand to hand combat specialist ... aka Starla Phellyon ex-leader of the SGG (Superhuman Genetic Group) Resistance

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