Anime finetunes seem to have a long way to go, but after few epochs.5m images trained here's what i get;
Still anatomical issues, but good understanding for tags and anime style. Also the composition and textures from xl are really hard to achive in sd 1.x🤔

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sdxl finetuned

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sdxl finetuned

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working on an actual anime-ish finetune, work in progress with around 350k images for training / 1.2m images seen:

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AI学習を許可されているS.Fukaさんの立ち絵をお借りして絵柄学習の検証中です。(詳細: 今回は少ない枚数でどこまで行けるか試しているので、男性立ち絵13枚のみをお借りしています。 

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This is AI art.

I'm still very much experimenting with multiple characters to get the quality I want. It changes how to set up your prompts quite a lot. Here are some pictures of various styles I'm trying to finetune.

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We release our weights from recreated Stanford Alpaca 7B - LLaMA finetuned on synthetic instruction dataset.

And it's surprisingly good:

(Keep in mind, the following results is just from the smallest 7B model; GPT-3 is 175B)

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かわいい男の子が無限に出てくる~(のほしおさん のうちの子すたーパック学習)#mitsuad1_finetune

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本当にのほしお様のデータセットのおかげなんですが、Mitsuaベースでここまで行けてしまうんだな……! 2枚目は元モデルとの比較用にサンプルプロンプトで生成した画像です。

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のほしお様()のうちの子すたーパックをお借りしてMitsua diffusionの追加学習をしています。今回は110枚でDreambooth。モデルがOneになって顔の生成がだいぶ安定しました。2枚目が加筆修正前の画像です。

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またのほしお様のすたーぱっくをお借りしてMitsua diffusionの追加学習を試しています。今回はdreambooth。 

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I was asked to make phone wallpapers with Alita: Battle Angel. This is the first of many – I hope you like it ☺️
Created in Finetuned in PS.

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Need to finetune it properly but I've turned the Altmer ship in the Aldmeri Grotto into a Maormer one! ☺️ This grotto is where Kyriion secretly hides and builds a ship to eventually set sail to Pyandonea.

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Untitled 0 (Picasso Diffusion 1.0+Waifu Diffusion 1.5+Illuminati Diffusion 1.0+finetune)

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