
a comm! charlotte and sakura from fire emblem in yahna's clothes from unicord overlord

16 93


"We must break through this encirclement at all costs."
"All gun stations, fire at will!"

479 2818

Fire N Forget

33 176

Shantae in the Fire Emblem Three Houses Dancer outfit

310 1025

Gimme love Gimme love Gimme love like fire
Until this world will end

44 150


2485 17075

Day4 : Fire Spears

One of these days I would like to draw this motif using traditional Japanese gold leaf painting.

18 94

Cordelia Fire Emblem if instead of lusting after Chrom she decided to serve

345 1448

Fire Rosalina❤️

※ my favorite past work

306 1433

Don't worry- the fire was put out!

14 256

Mist from Fire Emblem

"Mages can also be vulnerable when caught off guard"

79 497

2/11 TM24の新刊です!


54 131

This is a Marksman-type Aurochs I did for . Designed to support other frontline armored units, it uses a bulky core-mounted sniper cannon and a robust targeting system to deliver accurate fire and monitor the battlefield.

142 719

Fire Emblem Tree Houses (my fanzine/doujinshi)

0 5

Metallic Rouge

Raw goat kino fire.
It's like Blade Runner (both OG and 2049) held hands with LycoReco and decided to make a cyborg fighting Anime baby.
Seriously gorgeous looking and sounding show that pulls out all the stops. Feels kinda like an old Anime.

0 2


48 144