flowerfield the outfit was so cute 🌼

56 958


holding bouquet,in flowerfield,floating petals,filled petals,wind,blue sky


3 8

Stable Diffusion prompt: tales gonsalves, 8k, ultra realistic illustration, knight of cups in a colorful flowerfield, by Peter Mohrbacher, intricate Illustration, ultra details, hyper Details,...

👉 https://t.co/78aSv5BKd8

0 5

Rose Girl 🌷

This was the last piece I needed to work on quickly. Now that it's done, I can finally get back to doing the things I've been holding off. Yaaay! 💖💖💖

1 11

I've added a casual supporter tier for those who just want to give a little love and see my little flowerfield in action!

Support below~

2 7

Todays Friday cutie couple is:
Aeventher (venti x aether) from genshin impact!!
what the fuck why are they so cute. i love them and i dont even know them. they run together in flowerfields 100% i know i saw them do it.
(submitted by ) 🐞

11 49

Flowerfield is out in

Full generative flowerfield.
I really like the output, it produces very different results. What do you think?


6 21

Today at midnight (-3:00UTC) I will be minting FlowerField in

How many editions and what price do you suggest?
What other improvements you could do to this system?

Static image. 100% generative . No PNGS, no shaders. Pure plain P5.

0 4