is that me drawing vash and knives as vermillion flycatchers so i can make a silly bird pun? yes, thats me

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Based on ’s idea of Royal Flycatchers being Helluva Boss characters-distant relatives of Stolas and Goetia nobles.

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I love so much I made my own from natural elements.

I give to you the FAM CROAK Flycatchers 🐸🪰

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I went birding for the first time in over a week this morning & was treated to FIVE sightings of Great Crested Flycatchers—my favorite bird! This “hard to spot” bird was everywhere! 💘

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I have just learned that basically one of the only places there isn’t Acadian flycatchers on the east coast is Acadia national park
I have never hated a range map more

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The SOC Lothian branch is asking all birdwatchers in Lothian to report all sightings of Spotted Flycatchers this year. Between our 2 atlases there was a 24% range reduction with the population largely vacating low lying ground - see map. 1/2

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E is for Eastern Kingbird! 🐦

It is a sure sign of summer when we start to see these brave little flycatchers at the lake.

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The American Robin was named after the European Robin due to their similar plumage. However, American Robins are thrushes where their European counterparts are flycatchers. The American Robin was made the state bird of Wisconsin in 1949

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The Aknosom introduced in Rise has a crown across its head that opens and closes depending on behaviour and the possible inspiration for this unique anatomical mechanism is the tiny little birds known as Royal Flycatchers. I mean just look at em! (:

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A lot of birds like cuckoos, warblers, flycatchers, orioles, sparrows, vireos and thrushes migrate at night. Nighttime air is cooler! It is also much less turbulent and, probably most importantly, their predators like falcons or hawks are sound asleep.

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fun fact of the day:
american robins (as i've doodled here!) are from a completely different family of birds than the european robin :-)
american robins are from the thrush family, while european robins are old world flycatchers!!

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Exciting August 'fall' of migrant birds in NE winds - pages from a rather soggy sketchbook. Good no.s Pied Flycatchers & other migrants. Icterine Warbler balancing on a tern enclosure rope, Greenish Warblers discovered on the beach, in a saltmarsh creek & in suaeda bushes

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Another one, and an unexpected one maybe ? ! (some might call him Eric) With fringed spider flowers & blue and white flycatchers 🌼🕊️ His haircut is awesome. I had to draw him.

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There is a genus of birds named the "Arses", commonly called monarch flycatchers. It seems a scientist was a bit peeved about birds eating their favorite type of butterfly... In reality, it is named after Persian king Arses who ruled from 338 until 336 BC

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A riverside walk in the Trough of Bowland, with some confiding spotted flycatchers

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