How do you make fireworks even more beautiful than they already are? Well...

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Happy 4th of July everyone. 😃🎆💙❤️

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Happy Independence Day! 🎆🇺🇸

God bless America.
May God heal her wounds, and lead her into a future where freedom, and God's morals and virtue's reign.

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what is there to celebrate when our freedoms are illusions? if you value independence get involved in the fight to KEEP IT

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Another throwback: Fireworks display or just politics as usual?

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Dated references. Still makes me chuckle.

Peace out, Britain! 🇺🇸

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Baku: Happy Fourth Everyone! Normally don't celebrate the holiday, but i figured that this year i'd do something. And that something is giving Benjamin Franklin from Liberty's Kids an atomic wedgie.

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Happy 4th of July!

"Happy holidays... get well soon, son!" -PRS
Here is fanart of Pilotredsun's anime e card (original on the right).

We hope you enjoy!

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I love the promise of - but is our country what it should be? How can we ensure we treat all people as created equal?

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