unfoxes the foxgirls

28 208

By day, by night, you will find them everywhere!
Foxgirls rule!
There are commisssion slots avaliable and you can support my work anytime on Kofi
👉 https://t.co/D0VWn3uJnU 👈

Contact: DM or email (in bio)

4 11

So,apperently sometimes foxgirls are turning to vampires at full moon....or did i just make that up? Look closely, what do you see?!

by fuesed with by

12 159

From folklore to furry realm, foxgirls rule!

There are commisssion slots avaliable and you can support my work anytime on Kofi
👉 https://t.co/D0VWn3vhds 👈

Contact: DM or email (in bio)

4 15

S-so you haven't been looking at other foxgirls right?

Because it is Friday the 13th....

8 126

I just reached 100 followers, thank you all for your support ! 💙💙

More catgirls and foxgirls to come !

"🐱 + 🦊 = 💞"

0 30

my job has a new online meeting policy where we have to be on webcam as a general rule

I hope they like foxgirls

1 14

There are so many things apart from foxgirls, but who cares...

There is one commisssion slot avaliable and you can support my work anytime on Kofi
👉 https://t.co/D0VWn3vhds 👈

Contact: DM or email (in bio)

7 15

After an annoying artblock I have finally got some artwork done. Here is my foxgirl Mizu holding a very important sign about how foxgirls are the best, hope you all like it.

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My up-to-date foxgirlsona, complete with a bio sheet and height comparisons.

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Old designs of my foxgirlsona (fixed).
Left: 2015
Right: 2016

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