🎀 ドラミちゃん

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは、昨日のドラえもんに引き続いて妹の ちゃんです。


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本日📅9月3日は のお誕生日💕

Happy Birthday❣️((̵̵́ ̆͒͟˚̩̭ ̆͒)̵̵̀)🎂👏😊

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😴💤 野比のび太

📅8月7日は のお誕生日💕🤗
今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは で~す❣


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April 23 of my features the artist (#藤子不二雄). This is two people writing under a pseudonym. They’re best known for creating but my favorite series is Simple yet amazing artwork.

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Today I painted a picture in remembrance of one of Japan's greatest cartoonists📕 My heart aches with loss, but his work will live forever in our minds. May his soul rest in peace.

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🐒🦸‍♂️ パーマン2号もおくれるな

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは ことチンパンジーの と、大阪にある🛕金福寺の小坊主 でおます💦🤭

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🐺🌕 ウォーでがんす

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは シリーズ❗
最後に登場するのは、怪物料理の👨‍🍳名コック🎶 でがんす💦🌝

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I did not get to draw anything for reasons of work and time, but today would be the birthday of Fujiko Fujio, one of my greatest idols and inspirations. Wherever he is now, I will always remember him!

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12月1日は 先生の🎂お誕生日❗😮


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