The imperial troops are watching you… always 😎

A new sneak peek from my future Patreon...

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I'm proud of the Original Trilogy shinyness. Such plastic!
And so many shades of black.

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The ISD Chimaera was a modified Imperial I-class Star Destroyer led by Imperial officer Thrawn during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Star Wars cursor with The ISD Chimaera Ship.

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Not digging the new outline brush I got, so I’m probably gonna go back to the original; but what do you think? I decided to draw my imperial officer gal again! Any fun name ideas? 😊🍪 Glory to the Empire!
🍪 🍪 🍪 🍪

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Fallen hero by Dan Farin
Inspired by a quote from the 3rd edition rule-book: "For every medal of honor thousands of heroes die unsang and unnoticed"

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New ✨#MarvelCosmic✨ this week for (2/24/21)



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