A seminal iconography in the gallery of Cardinal Borghese, that of Aeneas fleeing from Troy as it goes up in flames, his father Anchises over his shoulders and little Ascanius, followed by his wife Creusa.

⁠👤 Federico Barocci
🖼 Fuga da Troia

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Diana and her Nymphs
oil on canvas
225 cm x 320 cm
1616 - 1617
Galleria Borghese, Rome


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It was once a loggia with five large arches looking onto the garden, which were closed up at the end of the eighteenth century to protect the frescoes of Lanfranco.

⁠👤 Giovanni Lanfranco

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The representation of the seasons through human activities relates to the ancient and medieval cycles of the months.

⁠👤 Jacopo Bassano
🖼 L'Autunno

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Timeless expressions⁣
Look closer!⁣

👤 Sandro Botticelli
🖼 Madonna col Bambino, San Giovannino e gli angeli

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Details in the Shadows

⁠👤 Dosso Dossi
⛏ Apollo e Dafne

ph. Luciano Romano

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Nella della Sala I è raffigurato il Giudizio di il giovane è qui simbolo della “gioventù” che si rifiuta di seguire la “ragione” poichè affascinato dall’amore sensuale rappresentato da
Domenico De Angelis (1735-1804)

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Paolina Bonaparte at Borghese Gallery in Rome
Photo by
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