That's because the Decal just uses the normal of the Projector obj, not a per-pixel normal based on the surface. (See 👇🎬)

And that's where I'm at 🤷🏻‍♂️

I could let go of ShaderGraph and just do everything by hand (including a decal projector GameObject) but I don't wanna 😭


0 1

構築済みの素体に各種服と装備をAvatar Tools で結合、その後所定のgameobject以下にメッシュオブジェクトを別途格納することで着せる事が出来るので、似た手順を踏めば同じくアバターに服を着せるツールの「kisetene」でシルヴィアに服を着せる事も可能なはずです。

1 6

Collation gameobject

2 3


1 2

Ok, stayed up too late doing again 🌛

1. Deleting a Unity Linerenderer requires referring to its .gameObject
2. Cleaned up some frivolous game object creation
3. I now have version control for my code!

6 16

Error fixed! I forgot to delete a script on a gameObject.

0 1

People don't use the string formatting from C# enough. They should. I don't know about the performance (these are one time initialization debug logs) but it is at least easier to write than "string1" +"string2"

4 23

Hey folks, how often do you use FindGameObjectsWithTag-like functions? And what do you think about it? Please respond, I need to clarify some things for myself.

1 14

cluster、LINQ to GameObject、UniRx、ZeroFormatter採用ありがとうございます!

9 45

そのため、RE ENGINEにはGameObjectのグループ分けを行う機能として『Folder』があります。


2 34

Added breadcumb to the top-left of Timeline because it's nice to have it:
1. GameObject that contains the Component that holds the Visual Sequence
2. Component that holds the Visual Sequence
3. Visual Sequence name

1 29

So I made a GameObject with SpriteRenderer (chibi Grimoire!), an AudioSource with beep and a script that turns off the GameObject a few frames after being turned on.

Hit Record & other Record, turn on MiniGrim and you get a visual/audio marker. Essentially a clapper board! (5/5)

0 25


0 0


11 33

Other than colors, now DeHierarchy also allows to choose icons for Hierarchy gameObjects :)

16 50

Unity FinalIKでFullBody Biped IKの、左右ShoulderEffectorをGameObjectにアタッチすると、頭位置を移動出来ました。これOculusのHeadTrackに合わせれそう

45 68