prepandemic vs today

pre pandemic was a whole another me

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Prepandemic me was in a situation where my depression was worse and difficult to live with.

Postpandemic me is doing better and working towards my goals with enthusiasm!

I still struggle with my depression, but I’m no longer in an environment where it can constantly thrive 😤

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Prepandemic vs now

Before pandemic I was in a very stressful role at work, my partner wasn’t working and my family was insane..I’ve done ALOT of growth since then and put up alot of boundaries which has helped but still life sucks

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It appears that the crowd is back to normal this year. Both photos are from the first day at around the same time in the morning, in the same area.

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Once you start profiting from the care of humans there is too much of an incentive to cut corners . Corporations like KinderCare were struggling prepandemic to hire qualified staff. But when the industry hasn’t improved pay in the 30 years I have been in it.

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Where are my fellow introverts🤩 Been doing a lot this summer so far, more than I have prepandemic🤯 I've gone to Vegas, AX, Six Flags, the beach, etc.😊

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Man I miss when everyone was doign the rymesona stuff. That was a fun time. Prepandemic and all.

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"A mantra I hear more + more is: 'I can’t wait for things to return to normal.'...The prepandemic “normal” was also nonstop obsession with work/life imbalance, just with less sourdough...I want better than normal." Illustration by James Coreas.

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January of 2020 I had gone to New York to visit a friend & got it from her roommate there. This was prepandemic & my doctors made fun of my weak immune system. Meanwhile my partner and I couldn't move from our bed for a week; I cried begging for my mother to help me. (3/4)

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Full color - Full tired.

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