Biggs & Tiny -Summer Lovin'
BTL returns July 21st with all-new comic episodes!

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Two men enjoy the cool of the sea in this watercolor painting of handsome surfers. Available as a print in my etsy shop. Just click on the link:

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Under the Boardwalk. Available as a print in my etsy shop. Just click on the link:

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A merman enjoys the view, from under the sea, in my painting "Marine Views." Available as a print in my etsy shop. Just click on the link:

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L'omme forte. A young man shows off his muscles on a French beach, while another runs off with a stolen swimsuit. A little fantasy of summer in the south of France long ago. Available as a print in my etsy shop.

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Under the Boardwalk. A little painting of public passion on the beach in the Edwardian era. Scandal under the Boardwalk! This painting is available as a print in my etsy shop. Click on the link

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