A new addition to the Gaymoji family for a fellow, queer artist I admire, the amazing photographer Mike Ruiz Who’s next?

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Gaymojis: The Amen Sister!
When you want to emphatically agree with whatever the hell your sister just blathered on and on and on about!

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Gaymojis: The Pup
Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy? Are you a good boy? Yes you are! Yes you ARE a good boy!

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Gaymojis: The Sob!
When your heart is breaking but you know, deep down inside, those bitches will all be sorry some day! You’ll see!

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Gaymojis: The Tea
When you’re just sitting quietly, minding your own business, sipping some nice, hot tea.

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Gaymojis: The Love/Lust/Iwanttolickyouallover
When that is so gorgeous you just want to ... Can be used in conjunction with other emojis. Watch out for wet spots and Karens.

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Gaymojis: The Jerk Off/Jag Off
Much like the Blow Me, this can be used as an insult as in, “What a clueless jag off!” or a come on, albeit a low grade/beginner one.

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Gaymojis: The Blow Me
When you want to rudely tell someone you think their opinion is less than informed or if you want to tell that hottie what you’re thinking for your next encounter!

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